There are few cosmetic complaints more frustrating and unsightly than cellulite. For many people, cellulite is a constant source of anxiety and holds them back from enjoying their favorite activities, wearing their preferred styles of clothing, and feeling comfortable with their partner. If you are embarrassed by cellulite dimples, you are certainly not alone.
The expert team at RareV, under the direction of double board-certified physician Dr. Raj Singh, understands the difficult nature of cellulite and is proud to offer revolutionary radiofrequency skin tightening in Las Vegas, NV to help patients achieve the smoother, sexier skin they deserve in as little as one treatment. Read on to learn more about the exciting benefits of RF skin tightening, including how it works and what level of cellulite reduction may be possible for you.
How is cellulite formed?
Cellulite, which is characterized by ripples, dimples, and lumps under the skin, is technically the result of fat cells that bulge between the fibrous septae connecting the skin and muscle layers. While there are some risk factors that may increase your chances of developing cellulite, including being a woman, it can affect virtually anyone. In fact, even thin and fit individuals often struggle with cellulite, which typically forms on the thighs, buttocks, and abdomen. Factors that may contribute to the development of cellulite include:
- Being a woman
- Age
- Genetics/heredity
- Obesity
- Poor diet
- Smoking
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Poor circulation
Is there a treatment for cellulite removal and skin tightening all in one?
Yes! Because so many patients who are affected by cellulite also struggle with loose skin, RF skin tightening is one of the most exciting and popular nonsurgical treatments in Las Vegas year after year.
At RareV, our skilled team performs radiofrequency (RF) skin tightening with the 3DEEP by EndyMed, a highly innovative device that utilizes ultrasound technology to help patients achieve more youthful skin on their faces and bodies. With its many diverse applicators, this device can target even larger regions of skin for effective, high-speed body shaping. A majority of individuals will see a huge improvement to their skin after just one session since the look of cellulite, loose skin, and fat is reduced.
How does RF skin tightening work for cellulite?
During your RF skin tightening cellulite reduction treatment in Las Vegas, you will lie comfortably in one of our private patient rooms. Before your session begins, the skin will be cleansed and prepared for treatment. One of our licensed 3DEEP technicians will then pass the specialized handpiece over the target areas several times to ensure a complete treatment, during which time precise ultrasound technology will work to break down cellulite and stimulate the body’s natural production of collagen. While some improvements will be noticeable almost immediately, the final results of RF cellulite reduction may take several weeks or months to develop as the skin contracts and the collagen supply increases.
Oftentimes, a single RF skin tightening session is all that’s needed to achieve the patient’s desired outcome, though some men and women may require a series of treatment sessions. During your initial consultation, Dr. Singh will carefully evaluate your level of skin laxity and the severity of your cellulite, and determine whether RF skin tightening is right for you, how many treatments may be needed, and what results you can expect.
Get your bikini body ready for summer with RF skin tightening and cellulite reduction in Las Vegas, NV
If you’re tired of spending every summer hiding your cellulite under baggy clothes and pants, we can help! To learn more about the benefits of radiofrequency skin tightening for cellulite reduction, call the award-winning team at RareV in Las Vegas, NV to schedule your private consultation with acclaimed double board-certified physician Dr. Raj Singh today, and take the first step toward the smooth, firm, stunning skin you’ve always wanted!